Some New, Some Older, Articles
- The Antitrust Economics of Multi-Sided Platform Markets, Yale Journal on Regulation, 2003, 20(2)
- Some Empirical Aspects of Multi-Sided Platform Industries, Review of Network Economics (RNE), Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2003
- The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2009
- How Catalysts Ignite: The Economics of Platform-Based Start-Ups, In PLATFORMS, MARKETS AND INNOVATION, A. Gawer, ed., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, 2009
- Industrial Organization of Markets with Two-Sided Platforms, Competition Policy International, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2007 (with Richard Schmalensee)
- Why the Dynamics of Competition for Online Platforms Leads to Sleepless Nights But Not Sleepy Monopolies, N. Charbit, ed., Douglas H. Ginsburg Liber Amicorum: An Antitrust Professor on the Bench, Concurrences 2017
- Antitrust Economics of Free, Competition Policy International, Spring 2011
- Governing Bad Behavior by Users of Multi-Sided Platforms, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol 2, Issue 27, Fall 2012
- Attention Platforms, the Value of Content, and Public Policy, Review of Industrial Organization vol 54, 2019
- Vertical Restraints in a Digital World, Evans David S., Allan Fels, and Catherine Tucker, eds., The Evolution of Antitrust in the Digital Era: Essays on Competition Policy (Boston: Competition Policy International, 2020).